A will is a legal document detailing the wishes of an individual regarding the distribution of their real estate, investments, and other assets upon death. Creating a legal last will and testament lends peace of mind knowing that their assets will be allocated as they see fit, and not left to a complicated, time-consuming, and costly probate process. While a standard will may not be that difficult to create, it still makes sense to discuss your situation with an experienced Naples estate planning attorney. Your lawyer will ensure that the will is legally binding in addition to providing guidance on all aspects of your estate.
A well-documented will can address virtually any need or wish that someone may have in death. While typically known to include instructions related to the distribution of valuable assets and property, a will can have additional benefits such as providing instructions for guardianship of minors or disabled dependents. An important distinction should be made between a living will and a last will and testament. Living wills provide instruction to healthcare professionals in the event that the individual is unable to give consent.
Creating a will may be a relatively simple process, but creating a solid will that addresses transition of real estate or asset ownership or business succession can be substantially more complicated. Wollman, Gehrke & Associates, P.A. is an estate planning law firm that has helped many clients throughout Naples, Marco Island, Bonita Springs and surrounding areas create comprehensive wills that leave no stone unturned. While our attorneys take a sophisticated approach to every case, they focus on working closely with clients to fully understand what's most important. Having a dependable will is one of the most critical things you can do for your loved ones in the event of your death. Our legal team works hard to ensure that your needs and personally wishes will be met.
CONTACT THE FIRM to schedule a confidential initial consultation to discuss the prospect of creating a will protecting your assets and heirs.